Thursday, May 29, 2008

Self Proclaimed...Domestic Engineer

Okay, so it's not exactly what my resume says but it should! I proudly on applications fill in the box that says "Occupation" with "Hairstylist." Then I get to the next line that asks for "Employer" then I put "n/a" at which point I look back at the first box and wonder why I even bothered to fill it in. If I leave the application as is, will the person who reads it think I am just an unemployed Stylist?! But if I leave "Occupation" blank all together then will they think I'm just flat out unemployed?? If I was able to list my occupation as a Domestic Engineer I would still come to the same dilemma when moving on to the next line BUT it would have a pretty good ring to it huh?

I think I've done a pretty good job of tackling this whole marriage/motherhood experience head-on. The whole motherhood thing came on without warning and you just go with the flow and learn along the way. As far as marriage goes... well I thought I had it all mapped out in my head. What was I thinking?! Marriage is hard work! But worth every minute of it. How is it that the things in life that make you the most insane also make you the happiest? Story of my life! I love my children indefinitely but somedays I think God is playing such a mean joke on me. Is it just my children or do all siblings have such a love/hate relationship?? Actually, I take that back. Are all second children such bullies?!?! Haley has it in her to just upset Kataeya every chance she gets! But she is quite smart that little monster. She has mastered starting trouble then "Cute-ing" her way out of it as Brad puts it. He should know, he falls for it every single time! She tilts her head, batts those big brown puppy dog eyes and flashes her pearly whites.... who am I kidding, I'm just as much of a sucker!!

Well, Kateaya, the monster and I are off for our weekly meeting with the finer Domestic Engineers of Sherman Oaks. Here's to all the joys that the terrible two's are already showering us with!!