Wednesday, September 3, 2008

ABC's and 123's...

So we survived!! Well, I mean I survived! We did the whole waiting in line, taking pictures and staying until we were kicked out. Literally. School began at 8:09 (don't ask, they also dismiss at 2:29) and at 8:24 on the dot the principal came over the loud speaker and welcomed everyone to school then said, "It is now 8:24am, parents need to exit the premises through the front office now. Have a wonderful day!"

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Time Flies.

Seriously?! Is this actually happening tomorrow?! MY Kataeya is starting Kindergarten?!?!

Let's take a little trip down memory lane shall we....

Back in 2003 my little bundle of joy arrived and I fell in love!
As she grew she stole everybody else's hearts along the way.

Then my baby wasn't such a baby anymore :(
She got bigger... and bigger!!
And here we are now!
Yeah! I know! She will be fine and make lots of new friends but what are Haley and I going to do without her?! Just me and Haley from 8-2:30??? Weird...

Well, that was my little sob sesh. Now I will leave you on a happy note, can't forget about the little booger!!