Thursday, June 5, 2008

"How Old ARE you??"

That's the golden question for me.

I just loooooove how long it takes people to ask me that! What I love even more than that is their face when they hear the answer! My wonderful MOMS CLUB was so welcoming and non-judgemental when I first joined which made it so comfortable. It took about a month before anyone mustered up the courage to ask me my actual age. I know everyone kinda had a guess in their mind especially since I'm accompanied by a 4 1/2 year old but they were nice enough to assume I was a little older than I am.

It's actually nice if I even get asked that question. Most of the time people assume I am the babysitter of MY children. They aren't very shy about it either! It amazes me how presumptuous strangers can be. I wonder which factor makes them think I'm the babysitter more, the fact that they are fair-skinned and I'm not or because I don't look old enough to have two kids, let alone one. Either way it's gets pretty frustrating sometimes.

The girls and I were in an Asian market that I stumbled across when making a wrong turn in Van Nuys. When I went through the check out line, the lovely Filipino woman (being nosey just as all "Aunties" are) began asking me my life story and instantly judging me because I have an almost five year old. Then when she asked why I married so young, I confessed that I was only married last October, her mouth practically dropped to the floor and I got the one eyebrow-raised look. Not only had I had "relations" at 19 but they were premarital!! All of my mistakes were laid out for her in the same amount of time it took her to ring up my lumpia and pan de sal. Then she started reprimanding me in Tagalog and I just smiled and went on my merry way... "Oh, Auntie!"

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